Sunday, May 9, 2010

A joy in everything i that's gg to be task.

As i was reading my daily devotions[ The Me I want to be- John Ortberg], i came across a particular chapter that talks about going with the "flow" of the first, i thought-"I've gotta be holier[if there's such a word]"....the topic was asking WHAT BRINGS ME TO LIFE?
1. spending time with people i love and care
2. cooking/baking
3. learning a new skills[ like surfing!!]
4. writing a song.

And then ,John talks about the textbook-answers that people normally give when asked HOW IS SPIRITUAL WALK GOING?

"....oh, i ought to be more discipline..."
"....haven't really been doing much..i wish i could sing...."
" makes feel guilty knowing that i've done it in a long while...."

yeaps, sounds like me[does it-to you?]...there were definitely times where i know i skipped a beat; in some ways selfish, that i just wanted to do things my way;i wanted to take a break, without feeling guilty you know?...

But then, the author reiterates...It's not about what you do with the Spirit...It's the quality[of presence] and interaction with the Spirit while I'm doing what I'm doing....strange?

Well it's like doing something with you best friend. Just by spending time, doing the meaningless things with them, is still spending time with them. Every moment counts. It's not because you have to[ John uses Ought]...but it's because you want to...because you love them....because you love spending time with them. I guess it's the same thing with your [spiritual]walk with the Spirit/God/Jesus.

It's not about waking up at 4am and praying for an hour[and then falling head flat on the pillow infront of you], NO!. It's about, what i would call it, ACKNOWLEDGING His presence in everything we do. In every joy, every pain, every struggle, He's there.

So from today onwards, I know that in Whatever I Do, He's there. He's there with me, whispering joy, peace and love, into my ear...reminding Me of His presence[ i'm so loving this!]

Enjoy each day+ Presence of the Spirit[God]...and Let your day be filled with His miracles...

TRUST ME. it's going to be amazing!...

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